1. Find or create a space.
Although you can create a beautiful, pure, high-energy place for your meditation practice. A peaceful, serene place with a holy altar, and lit incense, dim light, comfortable seat so on and so forth. But I would say that's not necessary. It's ok sometimes but let's not spoil yourself with the habit of luxury. Otherwise, our meditations will become dependent on luxury. Any place where you can sit comfortably and close your eyes for few minutes can be a place to meditate. We are trying to increase our capacity to be comfortable anywhere.
2. Body relaxed and spine straight
When you close your eyes, scan your body and relax wherever you feel it is tense. start from your eyes, jaw, shoulders, hands. Then scan your spine from the bottom of the first chakra to the seventh. Just scanning your chakras will make your spine straight and allow your energy to flow through your entire body. We are trying to increase capacity to relax everywhere
3. Watch mind movies
Now we have to deal with our mind stories. There are 2 worlds, one where is everything you are a man/woman, free/busy, loved/unloved, happy/sad, rich/poor, good/bad, beautiful/ugly so on and so forth. And then you close your eyes and there is nothing just you and your awareness or consciousness, oneness. That's the place we want to reach. Sometimes it's not that easy. Because of our mind stories. As soon as we close our eyes our mind starts showing its movie, whether its' a good movie, bad movie, scary movie, sad movie. it's all movies! Just watch it, I would say even ask for more, you would like to watch your own mind movies. But remember without any emotional connection or reactions. I have noticed when I ask for it more, it gets confused and switched off. We are trying to increase our capacity to watch our minds.
4. Focus between eyebrows
Focussing on our 3rd eye is the easiest way to control our mind. It's like watching the watcher. Initially, to hold the focus between your eyebrows, you can imagine there a picture of your favorite God or figure or symbol or mantra or anything that you feel devoted to. We are trying to increase our capacity to hold our focus.
5. Feel your breath
Observe your breath and how it feels. If breathing changes, let it be. Just keep watching. We are trying to increase our capacity to watch our breath.
6. Be present with all sensations and experience
Be a good attentive watcher without any reaction and involvement with the thoughts or any internal or external disturbances. We are trying to increase our capacity to watch our sensations
7. No expectation or comparisons
Every time you can have different experiences, however, it is, it doesn't matter. We are not judging it as a good or bad experience. We are watching all the experiences until there is no experience. all meditation helps us in some or the other way to recharge ourselves. so let's not be judgemental about it. We are trying to increase our capacity to be non-judgemental.