Akashic Life Recharging Therapy
Recharge your life energy for eternal power and beauty
Service Description
Our energy body protects us from many diseases. When it is disturbed, perhaps due to childhood trauma, a broken heart, the loss of loved ones, or past lives, etc. It can become the source of our physical, emotional or mental blockages. And we experience various ailments such as sadness, depression, confusion, fear, anger, pain, regret & many physical illnesses. To heal your energy body we use the following steps: Step 1: Analysis of your energy body with the help of Astro Akashi reading. Step 2: Therapy - After the diagnosis, you will be treated with your unique combination of life recharging techniques: Cleaning energy body by ancient Vedic methods, Removing blockages using guided breathwork with sound journey or float therapy. Also applying Reiki, Tapping (EFT) & Reflexology on the energy hot spot points to make you feel recharged. Step 3: Prevention - Astrological remedies like favorable Yoga, Meditation, Hobbies, Habits, Mantras, Colours, Gemstones will be suggested.
Contact Details
Arambol, Goa, India